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Development and evaluation of a “simulator-based” ultrasound training program for university teaching in obstetrics and gynecology–the prospective GynSim study
This study addresses the challenges of ultrasound education in obstetrics and gynecology, focusing on the potential benefits of simulation techniques in medical training. Aiming to evaluate the impact of a structured simulator-based training program, this prospective, randomized, interventional study examines its effects on educational outcomes for 5th year medical students.
Preliminary Experience with Virtual Reality Simulation vs. Animal Model for Hysteroscopic Myomectomy Training
The HystSim™ Virtual Reality hysteroscopic trainer was felt to be at least equal to the ‘‘gold standard’’ pig bladder model for training in hysteroscopic myomectomy with the additional advantages of reproducibility and measurement of results. Further studies comparing modalities and relating results to operating room performance are warranted.
Establishing construct validity of a virtual-reality training simulator for hysteroscopy via a multimetric scoring system
The aims of this study are to determine construct validity for the HystSim™ virtual reality (VR) training simulator for hysteroscopy via a new multimetric scoring system (MMSS) and to explore learning curves for both novices and experienced surgeons.
Evaluation of a new virtual-reality training simulator for hysteroscopy
Face validity has been established for a new hysteroscopic surgery simulator. Potential trainees and trainers assess it to be a realistic and useful tool for the training of hysteroscopy. Further systematic validation studies are needed to clarify how this system can be optimally integrated into the gynecological curriculum.
Hysteroscopic Resection on Virtual Reality Simulator: What do We Measure?
The objective was to compare results of two groups of population (novices and experts) on a virtual reality simulator of hysteroscopy resection for different metrics and for a multimetric score to assess its construct validity.
Assessment of a high-fidelity mobile simulator for intrauterine contraception training in ambulatory reproductive health centres
Little is known about the utility of simulation-based training in office gynaecology. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the self-reported effectiveness and acceptability of the PelvicSim™ (VirtaMed), a highfidelity mobile simulator, to train clinicians in intrauterine device (IUD) insertion.
Evaluation of the HystSim™-virtual reality trainer: an essential additional tool to train hysteroscopic skills outside the operation theater
Minimally invasive surgery is a major pillar of gynecological surgery. However, there are very few training opportunities outside the operation theater (OR) due to the cost and equipment requirements of organ simulators, virtual reality trainers (VRT) are promising tools to fill this gap.
Standardizing Hysteroscopy Teaching: Development of a Curriculum Using the Delphi Method
Hysteroscopy is performed often and in many indications but is challenging to learn. Hands-on training in live patients faces ethical, legal, and economic obstacles. Virtual reality simulation may hold promise as a hysteroscopy training tool. No validated curriculum specific in hysteroscopy exists. The aim of this study was to develop a hysteroscopy curriculum, using the Delphi method to identify skill requirements.
Integration and Validation of Hysteroscopy Simulation in the Surgical Training Curriculum
The primary objective of our study was to test the construct validity of the HystSim hysteroscopic simulator to determine whether simulation training can improve the acquisition of hysteroscopic skills regardless of the previous levels of experience of the participants. The secondary objective was to analyze the performance of a selected task, using specially designed scoring charts to help reduce the learning curve for both novices and experienced surgeons.
Operative and diagnostic hysteroscopy: A novel learning model combining new animal models and virtual reality simulation
Hysteroscopy is one of the most common gynaecological procedure. Training for diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy can be achieved through numerous previously described models like animal models or virtual reality simulation. We present our novel combined model associating virtual reality and bovine uteruses and bladders.
Simulation Training for Embryo Transfer: Findings from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine Embryo Transfer Certificate Course
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine Embryo Transfer Certificate Course data analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of simulator-based ET training for REI fellows across the 3 years of training, regardless of prior experience with live ET.