LaparoS™ Colorectal Surgery Module

Finally train difficult procedure steps on a virtual patient.

About the Module

Colorectal cancer is the third most common malignant disease in the world. About 40% of all cancers are in the right hemicolon.* Laparoscopy is developing as the standard of care, but there are limited modalities to train key steps for right colectomy prior to the operating room. This is mainly because pig bowel anatomy is largely different to human anatomy and vessel identification and management can be challenging in non-perfused cadaver models. VirtaMed is proud to announce the LaparoS™ Colorectal Module which finally provides a highly realistic training solution to practice key steps in right colectomy.

Meaningful Training Cases

Diagnose key findings in right colectomy.

VirtaMed is proud to offer the first simulator on the market with a broad selection of diagnostic cases. You will perform a full 360° diagnostic tour and discover frequent findings in right colectomy patients, such as liver metastases, peritoneal carcinoma, adhesions and inflammation due to prior surgery. Your findings will have to be classified and graded according to international standards in a subsequent questionnaire.

Train safe vessel exposure.

Select your institution's preferred patient and OR team positioning for right colectomy and place your trocars accordingly. Learn how to safely expose the ileocolic pedicle with blunt dissection, electrocautery and an advanced vessel sealing device. You will be following a medial-to-lateral and bottom-up approach. Train key steps of vessel expsosure and work in the correct surgical plane to avoid vessel injury and bleeding.

Safely manage complications.

Accidental vessel injuries may occur during right colectomy. Learn how to safely and efficiently manage them using vessel compression, suction and irrigation as well as bipolar coagulation.

Factsheets & Validation

Get more details about the most realistic laparoscopic simulator.

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